Consumer Myhome-DIY provides a range of clear, independent and up-to-date information on Myhome-DIY Improvement, renovating and maintaining
It guides you through your responsibilities under the Building Act and other relevant legislation, helps you locate and work with builders, subcontractors and building professionals such as architects and engineers, and gives good practical advice about what you can and can’t do yourself.
Consumer Myhome-DIY keeps you in touch with the latest information coming from the latest Myhome-DIY Improvements, DIY is you important. It is the value you create by taking time to make...
All the information on this website is provided without charge. Where you are linked to additional information in another resource or website, for which you have to pay, this will be made clear.
The site is a joint project by members of the Perfect Place Residents Ramkhamkhaeng 164 with assistance from a number of other organisations who have an interest in helping consumers.
In particular, Consumer Myhome-DIY thanks the following organisations for their input and assistance in developing this website:
Residents enjoy a quality of life that is seeking the best possible quality of life in a place where anything you can ..Care , Compassion, the Third Age Community Club. We feel our Residents Deserve ...
to ensure that neighborhoods become places where all families thrive and have access to the supports, services and opportunities they need to ensure their children succeed.
Residents often understand best how families are faring and can help others further their understanding of the resources available (or lacking) in the community, how families are experiencing existing systems and what solutions might best address community needs.
Reaching out to residents is also a first step in building trust amongst community stakeholders and helps to bring a level of legitimacy and credibility to your efforts.
Make sure that residents know what’s going on and how they can be involved. This requires reaching out to people in many different ways such as sharing information through local media, putting up notices in places where neighbors regularly gather and getting the word out at community meetings (including school board, parent-teacher or neighborhood association meetings) and through community organizations and leaders.
Block parties, movie nights, local events, retreats, field trips and book clubs are also opportunities to interact with residents. In addition, social media tools can be used to keep community members both informed and connected to each other.
Community partners will have to work hard to build the skills that are needed to work effectively as a team "The path to reaching those results may require you to think differently about you work with others"
To establish some ground rules for how you want to work together, you should have a discussion in the community about how people treat each other and how they want to be treated. Individuals often have certain values and principles in mind as they interact—even if they are unspoken.
Talking about these values is an important way for people to better understand each other and to think about how they might act differently.
Some important values for your partnership to embody are listening to each other, building trust, and communicating in ways that make people feel respected.
“ What the Consumer Advocacy Group is doing is very important because it gives resi - dents a voice to speak out and to say what we want in our community as far as grocery stores, child care or service providers. Some of us feel like we don’t have a voice and this work is important because residents can finally speak out and be heard. ”
This study deals with the benefits of resident involvement, and also looks at its financial implications. The term, ?resident involvement?, is taken to mean a wide spectrum of activities, ranging from giving residents information about their housing service, to their involvement in the direct management of their homes. Along this continuum is a range of other activities, including consultation exercises, panels, focus groups, the running of tenants?/residents? associations and the involvement of residents in governance arrangements. The study looks across all resident involvement activity (with the exception of resident controlled models).
For some landlords, the reason for involving tenants or residents is to improve either the service or the design or maintenance of the stock. Landlords will be concerned with residents as customers.
They may believe that housing is like any other public or private service and that residents should not need to spend time improving it: that should be the job of the provider.
In short, the focus will be on understanding the needs and wants of the consumer and improving the service in line with these, not necessarily encouraging residents to be involved with the strategic direction of the landlord, or with enhancing social capital.
Proponents of this approach may be sceptical of other motivations, arguing that those landlords that seek to involve residents in decision-making structures can become too focused on the needs and interests of the few ?representatives?, thus neglecting the views of the majority tenant body.
At a more practical level, some commentators may also question the ability of some residents to contribute to particular governance tasks, such as financial and risk management.
In addition to individual benefits, resident involvement can also have positive results for the wider community. ?Community capacity? essentially refers to the skills and abilities a community possesses .
These can be augmented simply by those individuals who have acquired skills, jobs or responsible positions acting as role models to others. A more direct impact on community capacity may involve active residents undertaking (formal or informal) community development work.
Transforming, or at least improving, their community is often the main reason cited by residents for becoming involved in the first place: one tenant told us: we are changing the future for our kids.
Several other residents pointed out that their involvement was helping members of the local community to realise their potential
With housing associations often looking to contract out elements of their work, particularly maintenance, the relationships with contractors and private sector partners becomes more important.
Residents are at the interface of this relationship and it is therefore common sense for landlords to involve them in drawing up contracts, in contractor selection, in training and in subsequent monitoring of performance.
As service users, residents can play a central role in monitoring contractors and feeding back this intelligence to the housing association.
This is clearly dependent on a strong relationship between residents and landlords but where it works, residents can be the ?eyes and the ears? of the housing association on the ground.
Perfect Place Ramkhamkhaeng 164 of the Third Age Self - Help Organisation for people no longer in Full - Time Employment providing Educational, Creative and Leisure Opportunities in a friendly environment
The Perfect of the Third Age (PF3A) movement is an unique and exciting organisation which provides, through its PF3As, life-enhancing and life-changing opportunities. Retired and semi-retired people come together and learn together, not for qualifications but for its own reward: the sheer joy of discovery!
Members share their skills and life experiences: the learners teach and the teachers learn, and there is no distinction between them.
The PF3A movement is supported by its national organisation, the Third Age Trust.
1. To encourage and enable older people no longer in full-time paid employment to help each other to share their knowledge, skills, interests and experience
2. To demonstrate the benefits and enjoyment to be gained and the new horizons to be discovered in learning throughout life
3. To celebrate the capabilities and potential of older people and their value to society
4. To make Perfect of the Third Age (PF3As) accessible to all older people
5. To encourage the establishment of PF3As in every part of the residents where conditions are suitable and to support and collaborate with them
6. Keep the club's members informed of all club activities
7. Maintain good relations within the local community
8. Acknowledge the needs of the club members.
9. Strategies for increasing and Maintaining Membership
1. Provide Community support to the Perfect of the Third Age in the Perfect Place Residents Ramkhamkhaeng 164 as members
2. Provide support and advice to potential new member PF3As and seek to start new groups in areas where the U3A movement is under represented
3. Each member is expected to perform specific roles and act with the club best interests at heart
4. Ensure that club is well represented within the Perfect Place Community
5. Maintain good relations within the Perfect Place Residents Community.